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PACE Leading Spring 2023


After completing my first semester of PACE Leading (you can read about that here too!) for transfer students, I knew that I wanted to continue the role and do it another semester. Working this job again meant receiving another group of students and leading them through the same course with the same semester-long projects. However, my goal this time was to do it better.


After reflecting on where I succeeded and where I fell short from the semester prior, I knew that I wanted to work on building stronger relationships with my students. It was of utmost importance to me that the students felt as if they could ask me any relevant questions. Whether it had to do with the class or elsewhere, I wanted to be a valuable resource for them. I began building this bridge the first time we all had a recitation together. During this time, I became familiar with the student's names and made an effort to see their true personalities. Through the months, I checked in with them and answered questions that they would ask in class or through GroupMe.


Overall, I improved greatly from my first time PACE Leading to my second. I felt more confident in the role and better equipped to address students' concerns about different aspects of college and classes. I learned about the balance of being a person of superiority while still being friendly and approachable. This has been another great semester, and I hope my students gained valuable knowledge for this career in business.

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Above are some photos of my spring semester PACE Leading, including the two groups I led through the semester and their logos for their Big Idea Projects. Also depicted is the group of lovely people I worked alongside and the classroom full of students enrolled in the class.

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